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Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Im now on holidays,but i will be here to update on more mathematic technique.

Stay tune for
: Complex Numbers
: My ultimate enemy ; Logarithm.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Its a ' B '
I recently had my first test for Mathematics (calculus). Well,its the first mathematics paper that i sat for after 3 years and its the first time that i pass mathematics in my life,afterall im not doom to failure in something i deem to be really weak at.I never expect such results because college mathematics is wayy challenging compared to secondary and primary school maths.
Congratulations to dear ME with achieving a B for my first test.
I wont be complacent,i will continue working hard to excel futher and do well for all my other subjects common tests.

Ganbatte Dear Aiba.

I will update more with interesting method to learn mathematics.

Cheerios Reader's.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
The RRRR Method
puRRRR....Method for Calculus

This is my first methodology post for calculus,however wrong i might be afterall this is the method that i've applied thru out my practice for the Arre (R) Method. Since its my way,i will call it the AR.method aka Aiba Roslyn Method.

The R method exist with the objective in simplification of a sin X + b cos X ,where it can be simplify as R sin (w + z) and R cos ( w + z)

For example : A sin x + B cos X can be written as R sin (w + z) ,to open R sin ( w + z ) you will have to look at the Trigonometric identities Addition Formulas :

Commonly used Trigonometric identities Addition Formulas :
sin(X + Y) = sinX cosY + cosX sinY
cos(X - Y) = cosX cosY + sinX sinY

Therefore R sin ( w + z )

= Sin Cos + Cos Sin

PS: Eliminate the Alphabets infront of Sin and Cos if it confuse you better still you may skip this step.

Hereafter you will have to equate your coefficient :

R sin = The number of Cosine
R Cos = Vice Versa

For example if Sin = 7 , Cos = 10
It would be :
R sin = 10
R cos = 7
Ps: Forget about understanding WHY because it applies for all when doing the R method.
Then,square root both your cosine and sine as though you're applying pytheogras theorem.
It would be 10^2 + 7^2 = √149 = 12.2
Then look for Tan ^ -1 (tangent inverse) = Sin / Cos = Tan ^-1 ( 10 / 7) = 55 .
Viola . Then you have completed the R method if you have to define R sin ( w + z )

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How do i do well for Calculus ?
How do i do well for Calculus?

Well,this might be the question asked by desperado's who wants to excel in calculus.(like moi)
If you ask a mathematician or your calculus professor they will recite to you a mantra from the mathematics bible Chapter 597 Section 45 / 9 square root of 3.

Which recites :


Its sounds simpler than it seems. I would want to share layman tips that can help me and you excel in calculus.

1. Instead of dating your bf/gf. Allocated 2-4 hours a day to date Ms/Mr Calculus.
Be consistant and make calculus your piority subject.

2. When given any formulation MEMORIZE immediately. Don't procastinate,im sure the time will never come.

3. Study with 1 or 2 friends who are good with calculus.Don't choose those show off ones,you will end up feeling intimidated hence you will lie that you know despite you're all blank.

4.Begin preparing/outlining for exams at least FIVE class days before the exam. Outlining the topics, definitions, theorems, equations.

5.Prepare for exams by working on new problems.

6.Use all resources of assistance and information which are available to you. These include classnotes, homework solutions, office hours with your professor or teaching assistants, and problem sessions with your classmates.

More tips will be shared as i progress.

I thee vow to be a lawful wife to calculus.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The language of Numbers ~ Mathematics.

Calculus. This subject might freak out someone like myself,however without realising that mathematics is an important subject as its applied everywhere. I realised that most mathematics teacher that have taught me are so un-inspiring. Well,i would take that as a challenge to be inspirational to dear friends who are struggling with maths. PS: Einstein was stupid with numbers before he was labelled a genius. There is the genius in us,we need the inspiration,motivation and passion to discover the genius within.

My Aim before 13th week.
To get a grade 'B' for my engineering mathematics.

I will share my progress,formula's to excel in calculus and challenging q's.
Apart from that i would upload solutions,formula's and simplyfied method to understand calculus sums and problems. Together we will excel in Calculus. =)

Aiba Roslyn Rosli

~Aiba Mathematics programme~2009 Reserved


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